Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fish and crocodiles...

Saw this dream during the early hours as I remember. The place looked like a shrine of some sort. I was walking up on a steep road, where to my right side, I saw a tall wall. That's where I saw this scary and weird thing...

There were huge fish... so huge like sharks. But they are not sharks. They looked like normal salmon fish, but enlarged!. They are not in water either. They are just 'put' there next to the wall on top of each other. So that there are 3 or 4 fish at the bottom and a couple of fish on top of those 3 or 4 and a another 3 on top, likewise.

There was a artificial waterfall that poured water from atop the wall so that these fish stayed alive. They were all slippery and struggled to escape, while an equally huge crocodile which was on top of them all, was feeding on them. Taking huge chunks of the fish each time.

Felt awkward when I was awake, thinking about this dream. I was a little frustrated too, because its been a while since I became lucid while dreaming. Maybe its because I did not update this dream journal. They say, dream journals are the best way to train our minds to remember dreams.

Got to keep at it from today at least...

Happy dreaming.

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